Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
This entry is part 7 of 91 in the series Student Blog

Class: Game Design and Source Code Control Systems
Southern New Hampshire University

Module Topics and Assignments

Introduction to Game Design and Source Code Control Systems

1-0 The Design of Everyday Things, Chapter 1

1-1 Discussion: What Is Game Design?

1-2 Test Software: Unreal Engine and Bitbucket

1-3 Review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Documents and Choose Scenario

Requirements and Audio/Visual Elements

2-0 The Design of Everyday Things: Chapter 2

2-1 Short Paper: Rapid Prototype Implementation Proposal

2-2 Tutorial: Static Mesh, Background, and Audio


3-0 The Design of Everyday Things: Chapter 3

3-1 Final Project Milestone One: Source Code Control and Traceability

3-2 Tutorial: Movement


4-0 The Design of Everyday Things: Chapter 4

4-1 Begin Work on Milestone Two

4-2 Tutorial: Creating Timer-Based (Tick) Events and Destructible Objects

Game Interface

5-0 The Design of Everyday Things: Chapter 7

5-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Testing Plan and Alpha Prototype

5-2 Tutorial: Spawning and Destroying


6-0 The Design of Everyday Things: Chapter 5

6-1 Discussion: Postmortem

6-2 Tutorial: Trigger Events

Final Project Submission

7-0 The Design of Everyday Things: Chapter 6

7-1 Final Project Part I: Rapid Prototype

7-2 Final Project Part II: Postmortem Report

Looking Forward

8-1 Discussion: Looking Forward


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Series Navigation<< GAM303 : Fuzzy Farmer – Project – Week 2GAM303 : Space Race – Prototype – Week 6 >>