Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
This entry is part 13 of 15 in the series App Releases

New release: Big and Bold Timer App

Simple interface. Easy to use. Soft chime.
Calm background with simple movement.
You can select the length of minutes in increments (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60).
Click the gear to go back to the menu.

Keywords: Writing Sprint Timer, Pomodoro Timer

Credit where Credit is due:

Sound Credit: – The alarm bell is by DDmyzik at

Font Credit: – The font is Vollkhorn by Friedrich Althausen

Image Credit: – Created by Keith Southworth with GIMP​​

Notes: GoDot Engine, No Background, Timer

20% self employement state and federal tax ($0.20)​
30% payment processor fees ($0.30)​
50% creator ($0.50)
Break Even Sales Number? 500 Sales

FAQ Page:
Have a question? Let us know.

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