Penn and Teller – Magic
coming soon Updated: 1/24/2020 I started this one with the kiddo. Excellent.
Specializing in Educational Software
Class Reviews
coming soon Updated: 1/24/2020 I started this one with the kiddo. Excellent.
Updated: 1/24/2020 I started this one and decided it was a focus class, not a background listening class. I need to come back and really focus on it. It seems like a great resource for learning how to research topics for books.
coming soon. Updated: 1/24/2020 I started watching these for an indie game studio business. As a game developer, I need to have a better understanding of different types of film genres, how they work, what their tropes are. Then I need more technical details on how to create trailers and cut scenes for the games. […]
coming soon Updated: 1/24/2020 I started watching these for indie game studio business. As a game developer I need to have a better understanding of different types of film genres, how they work, what their tropes are. Then I need more technical details on how to create trailers and cut scenes for the games. I’m […]
Updated: 1/24/2020 I’ve watched these in fits and starts when I needed to hear something different. Good teacher. No notes (reoccuring theme here..) I need to go back and take notes next time.
Updated: 1/24/2020 Excellent! I watched most of this class in two days, but failed to take notes. Need to go back through and take notes this time.
Updated: 1/24/2020 Excellent. Again listening while doing other work, and not taking notes. Will have to go back. In the middle of the class he has an excellent couple of chapters where he breaks down how to create a thriller using a wine maker as an example main character. It’s really good.
Updated: 1/24/2020 I’ve been watching this one periodically, I think I’m almost 1/2 way through the class. I need to go back and take some notes.
coming soon Updated: 1/24/2020 I’ve been through 1/2 the class already and was enjoying it so much I forgot to take notes. I’ll have to start over and take notes this time. Excellent teacher.
Judy Blume teaches writing (Master Class) is an excellent class. I took it the first time in 2018, as part of my learning process for the mystery novel that I’ve been working on. A few Highlights or take aways from the class. Authors are a little different because they have and create their stories, but […]