Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025
This entry is part 37 of 92 in the series Student Blog

Milestone Two is due in the next module. Given the heavy workload and critical nature of Milestone Two, you are strongly encouraged to begin work on this assignment now.

  • Goal: GAME – Create the Fuzzy Creatures

    • Objectives: Create a Fuzzy Creature A (Collectible)

      1. Task: Create body.
      2. Task: Create legs and arms.
      3. Task: Create wings.
      4. Task: Create horns.
      5. Task: Select all parts and create a Static Mesh.
      6. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create a Fuzzy Creature B (not a collectible on level 1)

      1. Task: Create body.
      2. Task: Create legs and arms.
      3. Task: Create wings.
      4. Task: Create horns.
      5. Task: Select all parts and create a Static Mesh.
      6. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create a Fuzzy Creature C (not a collectible on level 1)

      1. Task: Create body.
      2. Task: Create legs and arms.
      3. Task: Create wings.
      4. Task: Create horns.
      5. Task: Select all parts and create a Static Mesh.
      6. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Animate creatures in creature BP

      1. Task: Create avoidance routine
      2. Task: Create simple map movement route.
      3. Task: Create variable to define point value.
      4. Task: Place a few creatures on the map.
      5. Task: Set instances to have a different Static Mesh creature body.
      6. Task: Test and Verify.
Implemented the basic AI Fuzzy avoidance as detailed in the tutorial “GAM303 – Chat 2”. Small bug my Fuzzy AI all run to the same point on the map.
  • Goal: GAME – Create the capture system.

    • Objectives: Create the pickup system

      1. Task: Add overlap trigger to the creature BP.
      2. Task: When overlap – create hide actor
      3. Task: Increment Total Points by creatures point value
      4. Task: Update HUD counts for number of creatures picked up.
      5. Task: Update HUD counts for number of creatures remaining.
      6. Task: Update HUD thumbnail to display current creature picked up.
      7. Task: Create delay timer, then make creature visible again.
      8. Task: Have thumbnail on HUD fade out after creature has re-spawned.
      9. Task: Test and Verify.

  • Goal: GAME – HUD

    • Objectives: Create database that defines the objectives for the scenario.

      1. Task: Create a database.
      2. Task: Create a variable for timer start.
      3. Task: Create a variable for number of creatures.
      4. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create the HUD

      1. Task: Create the main HUD display space.
      2. Task: Create the timer display space.
      3. Task: Create the creature pickup display space.
      4. Task: Create the point system display space.
      5. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create a timer and display for the HUD

      1. Task: Create the timer variable minute
      2. Task: Create the timer variable seconds
      3. Task: Get timer start value from database
      4. Task: Create routine to count down timer.
      5. Task: Create routine to display timer on HUD.
      6. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create a point system and display for the HUD

      1. Task: Create total point variable.
      2. Task: Set total point variable to start at zero.
      3. Task: SEE goal “Create the capture system. “ for related tasks.
      4. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create a creature picked up display for the HUD

      1. Task: Create thumbnail of creature for HUD
      2. Task: Create display routine to show which creature was picked up
      3. Task: Create display for number of creatures picked up.
      4. Task: Create display for number of creatures remaining.
      5. Task: Test and Verify.
Completed more of the AI routines, and implemented the Score HUD.
  • Goal: GAME – Audio

    • Objectives: Create and implement the background audio files

      1. Task: Create ambient sound for the map.
      2. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create and implement the creature audio files

      1. Task: Create sound cue
      2. Task: Create routine for playing sound cue when creature picked up.
      3. Task: Create routine for playing ambient sound while creature is loose.
      4. Task: Test and Verify.

  • Goal: GAME – Create the menus and fliers

    • Objectives: The menu page to start the game should display the objectives and instructions for the level.

      1. Task: Create menu display.
      2. Task: Get variables from level database.
      3. Task: Display objectives using variables.
      4. Task: Display static content for instructions.
      5. Task: Create button for begin play.
      6. Task: Create button for quit.
      7. Task: Create event to begin play, load map, and set all variables.
      8. Task: Create event to quit/exit game.
      9. Task: Test and Verify.

    • Objectives: Create the end game Success or Unsuccessful Screen.

      1. Task: Create routine to display standard Success Message on final screen.
      2. Task: Create routing to display standard Fail Message on final screen.
      3. Task: Create button, to ask player if they want to play again.
      4. Task: Create button to quit.
      5. Task: Implement event to quite game.
      6. Task: Create event to load new begin game screen (goals and instructions).
      7. Task: Test and Verify.

Series Navigation<< GAM303 : Fuzzy Farmer – Project – Week 1GAM303 : Fuzzy Farmer – Project – Week 3 >>
Kids Hide Away