Milestone Two is due in the next module. Given the heavy workload and critical nature of Milestone Two, you are strongly encouraged to begin work on this assignment now.
Goal: GAME – Create the Fuzzy Creatures
Objectives: Create a Fuzzy Creature A (Collectible)
- Task: Create body.
- Task: Create legs and arms.
- Task: Create wings.
- Task: Create horns.
- Task: Select all parts and create a Static Mesh.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create a Fuzzy Creature B (not a collectible on level 1)
- Task: Create body.
- Task: Create legs and arms.
- Task: Create wings.
- Task: Create horns.
- Task: Select all parts and create a Static Mesh.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create a Fuzzy Creature C (not a collectible on level 1)
- Task: Create body.
- Task: Create legs and arms.
- Task: Create wings.
- Task: Create horns.
- Task: Select all parts and create a Static Mesh.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Animate creatures in creature BP
- Task: Create avoidance routine
- Task: Create simple map movement route.
- Task: Create variable to define point value.
- Task: Place a few creatures on the map.
- Task: Set instances to have a different Static Mesh creature body.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Goal: GAME – Create the capture system.
Objectives: Create the pickup system
- Task: Add overlap trigger to the creature BP.
- Task: When overlap – create hide actor
- Task: Increment Total Points by creatures point value
- Task: Update HUD counts for number of creatures picked up.
- Task: Update HUD counts for number of creatures remaining.
- Task: Update HUD thumbnail to display current creature picked up.
- Task: Create delay timer, then make creature visible again.
- Task: Have thumbnail on HUD fade out after creature has re-spawned.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Goal: GAME – HUD
Objectives: Create database that defines the objectives for the scenario.
- Task: Create a database.
- Task: Create a variable for timer start.
- Task: Create a variable for number of creatures.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create the HUD
- Task: Create the main HUD display space.
- Task: Create the timer display space.
- Task: Create the creature pickup display space.
- Task: Create the point system display space.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create a timer and display for the HUD
- Task: Create the timer variable minute
- Task: Create the timer variable seconds
- Task: Get timer start value from database
- Task: Create routine to count down timer.
- Task: Create routine to display timer on HUD.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create a point system and display for the HUD
- Task: Create total point variable.
- Task: Set total point variable to start at zero.
- Task: SEE goal “Create the capture system. “ for related tasks.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create a creature picked up display for the HUD
- Task: Create thumbnail of creature for HUD
- Task: Create display routine to show which creature was picked up
- Task: Create display for number of creatures picked up.
- Task: Create display for number of creatures remaining.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Goal: GAME – Audio
Objectives: Create and implement the background audio files
- Task: Create ambient sound for the map.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create and implement the creature audio files
- Task: Create sound cue
- Task: Create routine for playing sound cue when creature picked up.
- Task: Create routine for playing ambient sound while creature is loose.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Goal: GAME – Create the menus and fliers
Objectives: The menu page to start the game should display the objectives and instructions for the level.
- Task: Create menu display.
- Task: Get variables from level database.
- Task: Display objectives using variables.
- Task: Display static content for instructions.
- Task: Create button for begin play.
- Task: Create button for quit.
- Task: Create event to begin play, load map, and set all variables.
- Task: Create event to quit/exit game.
- Task: Test and Verify.
Objectives: Create the end game Success or Unsuccessful Screen.
- Task: Create routine to display standard Success Message on final screen.
- Task: Create routing to display standard Fail Message on final screen.
- Task: Create button, to ask player if they want to play again.
- Task: Create button to quit.
- Task: Implement event to quite game.
- Task: Create event to load new begin game screen (goals and instructions).
- Task: Test and Verify.