Day 6: 1/15/2019 (100 Days of Code)
Worked on IT-145 Java class. Completed sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. out of 14 sections due this week.
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Worked on IT-145 Java class. Completed sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. out of 14 sections due this week.
Working on Java IT-145 today, and 3DS Max projects.
Working on Java IT-145 today, completed through 2.11, and poking at the 3DS Max projects. Chapter 2 is simple programs converting int and doubles, and using the Math library for exponents, sqrt, and other calcuations.
Working on Java IT-145 today, going to complete chapter 2, and start on the weekly program, and will still be poking at the 3DS Max projects. Chapter 2 is simple programs converting int and doubles, and using the Math library for exponents, sqrt, and other calcuations. Finished chapter 2.
IT-145 did the weekly program, week 2 for this class is completed. Fixing the existing code, and adding your own. More 3DS Max school work.
Today marks the start of Week 3. Plan is to work on Chapter 3 for IT145, work on the twitch bot, and to debug the java/android game for the Udemy class, and move on to the next game in that class.
Mostly 3DS Max work. Did take a short break and work with the irc bot code for Twitch.
Plan for Tuesday — Finish IT145 Chapter 3. Finish Udemy game 2, and finish the class.
Zybooks chapter 3 work. Completed 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. (IT145) 3D Animation completed cardboard box.
Zybooks chapter 3 work. Completed 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. (IT145) 3D Animation started plastic barrel.