Nov 11/30/2023 – Biz Plan and Websites
Nov 11/30/2023 - Biz Plan and Websites
Specializing in Educational Software
Nov 11/30/2023 - Biz Plan and Websites
Nov 11/28/2023 - Redm and Game Dev
Testing out a New Engine - S&Box
Testing out a New Engine - S&Box
Testing out a New Engine - S&Box
Mesh component and tree location don’t match the video. Video: Newer version of the editor. Oldv version n video: newer version
I’m new to this editor/engine and by the 3rd video in the pong tutorial, the WASD keys for movement in the edtior stopped working. I could not click on any…
You tube video in question: O3DE – 003: Pong Scripting the Start Menu At the end of the video right before tesing it intially, there’s a step missing. At 7…
Fresh install of O3DE. New default project. Project has been built. In Project Manager when I click on open in editor button on the new project, the icon spins but…
Current status of the game. Just pickign it back up after 6 months off. 11/16/2021In progress game dev, small indie game studio. Basic functionality is in place, working on the…