Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
Dev Blog Feature Thumbnail
This entry is part 8 of 192 in the series Developer Blog

Personal Updates:

We were out of the office most of the week. Made some progress on mysql and then ran into more issues. Will revisit that next week. All the website work is waiting for the mysql update that needs to be done.

Dragon (me) still does not have access to my normal working computer. MK is diligently working on the fixing the computers and servers so should have updates next week. Yes progress is being made, not I do not have working machine yet.

Continued tracking meals, health issues, and energy levels as well as reactions to my meds. Dr apt this week went well. Waiting for blood test results etc. 

Game Programmer Update:

Not much. Out of the office all week, and no pc capable for running the software so, No programming this week. Again my brain needed the break, but the need to code is rearing it’s head, so this won’t last much longer.

Series Navigation<< Week 3 – Jan 20 2024 BlogWeek 1 – Jan 6 2024 – Busy New Year >>